Leaked: What Instagram's redesigned icon may look like

By: Marwan, December 23, 2013
With the release of the iOS 7 jailbreak yesterday, I was quick to download an app called iFile. iFile allows you to view your iPhone's file system for free. I was trying to replace my Instagram icon with an icon I found online that's simpler and is more iOS 7 friendly. However, I was surprised to find that Instagram already had an iOS 7 friendly icon hidden from the basic user.

The icon is a much flatter icon with a dark background and a white camera symbol on it.

The icon looks really friendly and it looks pretty awesome on my home screen. One thing I find weird is the choice of color. The colors used in the icon do not match the colors used throughout Instagram at all.

This makes me think that perhaps this icon is being tested my Instagram developers. It may indicate what the final public icon will look like, but it doesn't necessarily mean that the icon will look exactly the same as the hidden one looks like now.

One thing I know for sure is that Instagram is working on a new icon, because their current icon feels so out of place on iOS 7. Let me know what you think of the hidden icon. Would you like it to replace the current icon?

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