Pennies app review for iPhone

By: Marwan, October 17, 2014
Featuring elegant sounds, fluid animations and a simple gesture-based user interface; Pennies is the top paid finance app in the App Store for good reason. The app is a charm to use and makes it easy to keep track of how much money you've got.

Based on your spending history, the app has a 'left today' feature. This recommends how much money you should spend on this day. If you end up spending more than recommended, the app's background color turns from a happy green to a negative red. The app even takes advantage of iOS 8 by featuring a notification center widget showing your 'left today' money for every budget.

If you have more than one budget; eg your monthly budget and your luxury budget then Pennies has got you covered. You can keep track of more than one budget in the app. Budgets can reset every month, week, or on a one-off basis.

Pennies is beautiful and simple, but it is way too simple in certain aspects that can certainly be improved. Although the app shows you how much money you're spending, you can't make a note of what you spent this money on. Additionally it would be nice to have an option to share a budget with more than one user. Also, one feature that I really want is to have the amount of money left in the budget to show in the notification center widget, and not just the amount left for today.

The developers of Pennies have a great beautiful app which is loved by customers. It has potential to become much more powerful. The real challenge though is to extend the app's functionality without ruining it's simplicity.

Below is a video showing off the capabilities and design of Pennies:

Pennies is available on the App Store for $1.99. If you want to track your money in style then be sure to check it out.

-Download Pennies for iPhone ($1.99)

1 comment:

  1. That's really interesting. I will have a look at it, thanks!


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