Apple announced iOS 8 a few months ago. It was an indication of the software finally becoming more open and flexible with features such as extensions, third party keyboard, widgets and interactive notifications. Other than the interactive notifications, Android has had those features for years. Only difference is that they are implemented differently.
Google announced Android L a few months ago. It was an indication of the software finally becoming more beautiful as well as simpler for the basic user. It includes features such as lock screen notifications, more animations & attractive design, remote wipe, heads up & actionable notifications. Other than the actionable notifications, iOS had those features for years. Except with different names.
Do you see my point here?
Both iOS and Android are coming closer to being much more similar. iOS is being more powerful, open and flexible meanwhile Android is becoming simpler, more attractive and appealing to a basic user.
iOS users are saying "wow Android is finally catching up".
Android users are saying "wow iOS is finally catching up".
Truth is both operating systems are catching up, except in different ways.
The difference between iOS and Android will be smaller than ever when Google L is released to the public. And although the difference will be a lot smaller, users of either OS will just never stop complaining.
The OS no longer matters
The focus currently goes way beyond the phones. Both companies know the potential of having an ecosystem and tying as many customers as possible into their ecosystems before it's too late. In a few years from now, most people would want to have their phones, cars, tablets, televisions and computers all connected together. Apple and Google aren't only racing to get into as many of these platforms as possible, they're trying to make their devices as attractive as possible to get you tied into their ecosystem.
Think about it, if someone has an iPhone, Apple TV and a Macbook with all his apps already purchased from the App Store. What will his next phone be? Even if he finds that the Samsung Galaxy S8 is a better phone than the iPhone 7S (who knows what they'll be called in 3 years?) he will still end up buying the iPhone 7S since it's syncing and more compatible with his current devices and app purchases. It's a similar case with Google. It's the reason why Google announced Android L, Android Wear, Android Auto and Android TV. They're trying to suck us into their ecosystems as early as possible so that when our devices are all connected together and work perfectly together we would be their customers and it would be very hard to leave.
Both Apple and Google are rushing to get as many users on board as possible. And although the competition between them is tight, they aren't the only two companies preparing for the "internet of things". The sale of a new smartphone means very little in comparison to another user getting tied into a company's ecosystem. It's what they actually care about right now.
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