Pluck 2 Review for iPhone

By: Marwan, April 30, 2014
The iPhone has long lacked a quick method to change between music without having to open the Music app. Sure you can skip between music one by one till you eventually reach the required song, but for those of you with a jailbroken iPhone then you're in for a treat.

Developer ravirajm has been in the game for a long time now with his tweaks: Pluck (iOS 6), Pluck 2 & Pluck 2 CCToggles (both iOS 7).

Pluck 2 makes it incredibly simple to switch between music. There's a button on the lockscreen located similarly to the camera grabber but on the left side. Don't worry about accidental presses of the button, since you're required to tap & hold onto the button. This action opens the music app, and once a song is selected you're back in the lock screen. It's really convenient and improves the listening to music experience on your iPhone.

Control Center Buttons Lock Screen Button

That's not all! Pluck 2 also adds a button inside the control center in the media player section. Tap that and you can select music through there. Additionally, owners of Pluck 2 are given Pluck 2 CCToggles for free, so you can get a CC Toggle to change music through there too.

Pluck 2 is customizable

All the buttons I previously talked about are optional, meaning you can hide them from the Settings app. I personally don't use the lockscreen one but have enabled it to provide the screenshots shown above.

Pluck 2 is a great tweak, it focuses on one simple element in iOS and improves upon it. I'm a huge fan of those tweaks, and for those who use their iPhone to listen to music using the Music app, you'll almost certainly love Pluck 2. As the developer Ravirajm notes, "It's not life changing, but after purchasing Pluck 2 you won't have to unlock your phone several times just to pick a song!" Pluck 2 is available for purchase on Cydia for $0.99.

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